Tag: testimony
So, you are sitting in the squad room and you get a letter. It looks official enough and you have 10 minutes before roll call so you open it. Lo and behold, it is a…
READ MORE >In every training class, we see varying levels of abilities. Some folks are able to grasp the concepts of defensive tactics, vehicle operations or firearms immediately while others require additional assistance, guidance and instruction. Likewise,…
READ MORE >I just submitted an article and am honored to become a regular contributing author to http://lawenforcementtoday.com. The website reaches over 160,000 people and LEOs from around the world! You can also follow the site on…
READ MORE >Each court has a listing of the attorneys who are permitted to practice in that court. In many instances, an attorney’s licensure in a particular state permits appearance in all trial level courts within that…
READ MORE >I love the practice of law. I am honored and proud to be a member of a profession that takes an oath to zealously represent the rights of others. However, practicing law often means staying…
READ MORE >On July 19, 2011, a federal jury returned a $10,000,000 verdict against TASER International, Inc. I’ve received several calls and emails from LEOs about this verdict. Readers of Bluelinelawyer know that I believe in the…
READ MORE >On July 5, 2011, a jury found Casey Anthony not guilty regarding the death of her child, Caylee. The internet, print and electronic media were immediately filled with articles and commentary regarding the verdict. While…
READ MORE >Long before furloughs of LEOs and budget cutbacks in the face of increasing attacks on LEOs, Desiderius Erasmus famously said, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” Now I never met…
READ MORE >More often than not, when a LEO is “under investigation,” the entire agency knows about it! Let’s face it, as a profession were are good at respecting the privacy rights of the public, but “scoop”…
READ MORE >I recently received a request for a post regarding on-scene response for attorneys. This is one of my favorite topics, and I gave a presentation on this issue to the Annual General Counsel’s Conference for…