Training & Expert Work
Lance truly cares about the profession of first responders and his passion shows in his training and speaking engagements. Lance brings a unique perspective based on his expertise as a former law enforcement officer and attorney representing agencies and officers in a wide variety of issues and cases.
Lance has lectured on deadly force and other topics to law enforcement officers from more than 25 states, several federal agencies, and international police associations. He has been a firearms instructor for over 25 years, serves as a use of force expert, and regularly consults with attorneys defending law enforcement officers in use of force and criminal cases brought against them in the performance of their duties.
A few of Lance’s favorite training topics include:
- “When Cops Kill: After The Smoke Clears”
- “Leading Your Agency through a Critical Incident & Weathering the Media Storm”
- “Using Science to Defend Use of Force Cases”
Key Note Speeches
Lance will inspire your audience with his story entitled, “Serve Others. Live Without Fear.” Public safety professionals face fears every day and still rise above it to serve strangers. This is an embodiment of the “take control” mindset you will find in the heart of every first responder. As an attorney standing up for public safety and a LEO with over 30 years’ experience, Lance will share his front-line stories of service and overcoming his own fears to shed a hopeful light on the future of public safety.