Tag: LEO
When I was a kid, 100 was a goal. $100 was a lot of money. A 100% on a test meant you could not have scored any higher. As I got older, I realized that…
READ MORE >On July 5, 2011, a jury found Casey Anthony not guilty regarding the death of her child, Caylee. The internet, print and electronic media were immediately filled with articles and commentary regarding the verdict. While…
READ MORE >On Thursday , June 9, 2011, the United States Supreme Court released its opinion of Sykes v. United States. The case settles a legal question that split federal circuits: Is the attempt to flee or…
READ MORE >On May 31, 2011, the Georgia Supreme Court issued an opinion in State v. Thackston. You can read the full opinion here. The opinion reverses over 30 years of precedent and answers a critical question…
READ MORE >Long before furloughs of LEOs and budget cutbacks in the face of increasing attacks on LEOs, Desiderius Erasmus famously said, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” Now I never met…
READ MORE >When called to serve, you stepped forward. When called to help, you responded without hesitation. You placed your own needs and desires behind those of your community every minute that you served. You served many…
READ MORE >You receive a letter that you are under investigation. “I do not need a lawyer yet. I will just see what this is about.” You go through the interview and it is pretty intimidating. “I…
READ MORE >More often than not, when a LEO is “under investigation,” the entire agency knows about it! Let’s face it, as a profession were are good at respecting the privacy rights of the public, but “scoop”…
READ MORE >This past week, my wife and I were privileged to meet one of America’s heroes. He is a LEO wounded in the line of duty. He is being treated by the professionals at the Shepherd…
READ MORE >I receive calls and email from LEOs about a variety of topics. Some questions and discussions led to posts on www.bluelinelawyer.com. I also read other blogs, LEO-focused websites and the internet sources. This blog post…