Tag: tased
I receive calls and email from LEOs about a variety of topics. Some questions and discussions led to posts on www.bluelinelawyer.com. I also read other blogs, LEO-focused websites and the internet sources. This blog post…
READ MORE >Popeye was famous for saying, “That’s all I can stand, ’cause I can’t stand no more!” That’s about where I am right now. I can, from memory, think about shootings that resulted in the murders…
READ MORE >I woke this morning to find an email from PoliceOne about the recent shooting in San Francisco of a man in a wheelchair who stabbed a LEO. Yes, he stabbed a LEO. The article explained…
READ MORE >The formal response to a lawsuit is called the Answer. Now I know what you are thinking, but this is a legal response to the allegations in the lawsuit. Although you may prefer to provide…
READ MORE >I attended an instructor course put on by TASER® International at the end of 2008. This is part of my commitment to seek out training to stay current in high liability areas for LEOs. As…