Tag: facebook

So now the NFL has weighed in on the gun control debate. Oh, they will hide behind statements of “security plans” and “we need to know where all armed people are” but do not be…


Just wait for it. It may take a while, but you will hear it. It will start as a whisper from one person to another and then a quiet opinion piece somewhere or a posting…


I remember the first time I read an article about public perceptions of LEOs. I believe it was in the academy during the block of instruction entitled, “Policing The Public.” We were fortunate that our…


LEOs in Maine recently apprehended a convicted rapist who was on the run for 34 years. 34 YEARS!! Most LEOs working today were not working 34 years ago, and some were not alive 34 years…


Pick any high profile news story and follow it for one day. Within 24 hours, the media will show you a picture of the person upon whom the story is focused. Within a few hours…


On the street, your backup will likely be wearing uniforms. When the smoke clears, the adrenaline goes away, and the reports are all done, you will rely upon someone wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase to protect your career and your assets. Like anything else, be informed, be proactive, and be prepared.


Much has been made recently of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Arguments are being made daily for more legislation to limit the application of and freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment and…


As Hurricane Sandy reminds us of the awesome power of nature, we keep those affected in our thoughts and prayers. We expect, as a nation, that our first responders will answer the call of service….


Now, I hate to admit this, but I watch a lot of LEO videos. I also watch television shows about law enforcement chases, arrests, crimes caught on tape and news stories about such topics. Ialso…


In every training class, we see varying levels of abilities. Some folks are able to grasp the concepts of defensive tactics, vehicle operations or firearms immediately while others require additional assistance, guidance and instruction. Likewise,…

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