Category: Media Relations
On January 20, 2017, a new president of the United States of America took the oath of office. There was no coup d’etat, he was elected pursuant to the law and legal process. The parade…
READ MORE >The preorder link is live! You can order Blue News by clicking here! The profits from Blue News will benefit law enforcement charities. “Almost daily, in the news there is a report of an officer-involved…
READ MORE >I’m honored to announce the release of my new book, Blue News! Profits from this book will benefit law enforcement charities. Click here for more information! Blue News provides law enforcement officers and journalists windows…
READ MORE >It has happened so often, it is predictable. A LEO uses force, typically deadly force, and the city erupts in violence. The steps between the two follow a pattern that I’ve watched and studied. It’s…
READ MORE >After a particularly long and humid bike ride, I heard a radio show discussing LE tactics. I was intrigued because none of the people speaking were LEOs or had any LE experience. I know, compelling…
READ MORE >It’s easy to grow numb when facing sadness and pain. For months, I have seen flags at half mast, LEOs with bands across their badges, and social media posts of weeping spouses, children, and LEOs…
READ MORE >This week, two news stories dominated the headlines. Seven LEOs were murdered in the line of duty and United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed. For many, the news coverage of the deaths of…
READ MORE >This weekend, the east coast was slammed by a huge set of storms. Thunder snow, flooding, and blizzard conditions challenged LEOs as they traveled to work, completed their duties, then returned to their families. Often,…
READ MORE >Thursday January 7, 2016 was a normal day for the majority of Americans. They slept or worked and looked forward to the weekend. However, that night the life of Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Hartnett changed…
READ MORE >I’ve been a fan of Brian Tracy for many years. He is perhaps best known for his work helping people set and achieve goals. I highly recommend his books and programs but there is one…